What's the meaning behind a photo of toes, where the big toes have red nailpolish and the others are bare? This is the type of question I've been facing for the past week. The batch of images I'm keywording is driving me nuts. They're so plain and yet utterly conceptual and stupifying. I just can't wait to get through them! Give me some good 'ol office photos to do or even some beach scenes with skinny chicks is beautiful bathing suits. Anything but this!
I am what I keyword. Also, I am what I eat, and most recently, that was the last of my bag of Rainbow Twizzlers. Gotta love artificially and naturally fruit flavoured licorice (what ever happen to just plain jane black licorice?). Anyway, I ended up labelling the toe image as having to do with quirky, individuality (besides being just toes). (sigh).
Was it a man's toe or a woman's?
Oh silly you. It was a woman's toe. If it had been a man's it would speak even more conceptual volumes.
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