Tuesday, July 18, 2006

15 pieces of flare

Yep, watched Office Space Sunday with the Frenchs. Although Milton and Samir are my fav characters, I do love the whole bit about "flare".

"If you want me to wear 37 pieces of flare than why not make the minimum 37 pieces of flare!?!"

So good. My flare these days is when I choose not to wear pajamas for the whole day while sitting at the computer working. In fact, I haven't worn pjs all day for a while. I'll get right on that. And while I'm at it, I'll make sure to file that TPS report accordingly. How many people do you think quit their office job after seeing that movie? I just don't think I could do it, work in an office environment day in and day out for years. But that leaves me with the ever-lasting-gob-stopper of questions, "What the hell should I do as a career?"

Actually, the funniest part (or maybe the saddest) is that most of the photos I keyword are office photos. "Businesspeople" wearing their "suits" and "pantsuits" "talking" on "cell phones", "working", "typing", taking a "coffee break", and always looking "determined", "satisfied", "confident", or have "ambition" and the "corporate ladder" on their minds. A good week is when I find myself keywording photos of people on the beach, families at home, or simplistic still lifes. The most fun keywording... kid's birthday parties. Yep. Their uplifting and there's always good cakes and treats to look at, too. That's my little world.

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