Saturday, July 15, 2006

one down, three million to go

Okay, I'm proud. I'm beaming even, accept for the bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. I drew last night for almost an hour. Yep. Not long in the scheme of things I suppose, but long enough to get the wheels going in my art brain. Came up with an idea for the at-arts show (and it doesn't really require paper). Also managed to draw one horrible self-portrait. Man it's hard to get back into traditional figure drawing. But reverted and decided to do some blind contours.

Suggestions for those trying to get back into the art stuff: start small. do warm-up exercises that we thought were lame in art school. do not get frustrated. do not use black conte while working in a room with white to cream carpet. do not flip through old sketchbooks and expect to draw like that right away again. stay loose. yep, loose. do open your old printmaking tool box and inhale the fumes. do attempt to remember all those things that helpful profs once said. nothing is coming to mind at the moment (probably need more coffee).

Good luck! (look ma, I used a font colour)


mercurysmile said...

WOW! I'm all excited when I get to make dinner, let alone art! Yay for creativity!

Anonymous said...

I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.