So Saturday was amazingly fun! Thanks to miss Lisa for coming along on the dress shopping expedition and for providing much needed girl time. We went to two different bridal shops and also returned to the first store I had visited (back in like November) so that I could compare my fav dress there with others we had found. The verdict... I have a new favorite dress! And let's just say "WOW"! I found it at the second shop we visited. I was a little apprehensive about trying stuff on when we walked in the door because one of the first dresses we saw had a price tag of $4300, which sorry to say is way over my dress budget. But upon exploring the racks a little more, we discovered that most dress weren't too horribly priced, some were down right affordable for the design. Once the sales assistance saw the types of dresses I was pulling out she suggested one for me and put it on the pile of things to try on.
And so the process of squeezing into dresses and zipping and pinning began. I actually found several there that were very flattering, but then I tried on the dress that the sales assistant had suggested. I stepped onto the podium in front of the three-way mirrors and "wow" was all I could say. I looked amazing and it made me feel amazing, which is the general idea behind finding the perfect dress. But to put the icing on the cake, the sales assistant slipped a little sleeveless lace bolero onto me and I was sold. It is ultimately my favorite in ways that most dresses can't compare. The dress itself also simplifies a lot of alteration costs, undergarments, and accessories.
And thanks again to Lisa, I'm being the responsible bride and waiting at least a week. Then we'll head back down and try on my top two or three all in a row for good comparison. From there I should be able to decide. Plus this gives me the chance to figure out how each dress will fit into the overall design of the wedding day.
So it was a grand day, but didn't end with dress shopping. Lisa and I headed out to the mall where I found a nice shirt. Then we grabbed some groceries and met up with the boys (including Hayden) at Jared and Lisa's, had some good BBQ, and played a great board game called Settlers of Catan which Marcus and I have been wanting to try for a while. All in all a good night.
Sunday started with church, and then hotdogs from 7/11, then we visited a game store in Port Coquitlam and picked up our very own copy of Settlers of Catan, which we already played twice last night. The evening ended with a short crying session, but still, it was a wonderful weekend.
I wish I could have gone shopping with you and L. And she was right to say wait a week. Smart girl that one. It gives you time to think about it and see how you feel when you try it on again. It sounds fabulous though.
As for shedding tears. I like to cry once a week just for good measure. It's the best eye moisturizer in the world, but I hope it was a good cry and it made you feel better.
miss yah.
Mr. Brown
It wasn't a good kinda cry, but that happens. Just trying to get through the dark winter months.
Girl I understand, the cold has come back to Calgary. I am trying to find the moral courage to face it. Enjoying my day off in my pj's but I refuse to look out the window,or I might not go outside tomorrow. I think if I pick out a cute outfit for work tomorrow I might show up. Hope all is well.
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