I'm patiently waiting for my dance DVDs to arrive. Yep, seriously. It's my new plan in an attempt to tone and increase my cardio. I love dance, but I'm way too intimidated right now to take an actual class. Besides, it's way cheaper this way and I'll be able to do it more often than a once-a-week class. In the mean time, I'm trying to cut back on the coke and drink more water, but haven't quite given up on the candy and chocolate. Don't think I will either. Need the sugar boost in the afternoon to keep me going (especially since I get up at 6:20 every morning now... also a change I made recently to maximize my time on earth). However, besides these somewhat "healthy" changes, I've had the urged of late to smoke cigars. So the late evening is reserved, on occassion, to a stogie on the balcony. Balance. It's all about balance. And trying not to be wound so tight, as someone recently pointed out about me (thanks Mr. Brown, no really, I need that). If you have tips on how not to go crazy or how to feel like more than a waste, please be so kind as to let me know. So, here I am, still waiting for my dance DVDs...
How about diamond ring shopping? I'm free this weekend if you are...
ohh romantic. You guys are my heros!
As for advice. To make myself feel like a star, I had a total makeover. The Baroness was shocked and so was Glanville (they both saw me today). I am going for sexy/smart accountant/whore. What the hell!
I heart you guys.
Mr. Brown
ooooh. a makeover. I kind of did that with my new hair do (which I hated at first) and some new wardrobe items from Value Village and the wonderful world of sarah sewing. I'm happy with the hair now. I discovered how sexy it could look with a curling iron.
Mr. Brown, send pics of the new look so it's not gone and done with before I see you next.
are those Reese's pieces? Yum!
I switched to diet cherry-vanilla Dr. Pepper fr my daily caffeine hit- it's so mixed up you can hardly taste the cancer causing chemicals!
As for the trying not to go crazy- screw it! follow me, cuz now I'm running head on right for it!
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