It's not horrible. I love our apartment and our kitty Chloe keeps me company all day and night (she never leaves me alone, really, which is fine by me). I like the mild weather, although, I'm really gonna have to figure out some way to survive another gray, dark winter out here. Just another challenge in a string of challenges that seem to define our lives. But I keep pluggin away at it. That's all one can do really.
Happiness lies in the absorption in some
vocation which satisfies the soul.
Henry Ward Beecher
vocation which satisfies the soul.
Henry Ward Beecher
I've given up stressing over things I no longer really have control over. Instead, I've been focusing on my own stuff. I'm no longer gonna use the little free time I have in endeavors which no one else are interested in. Why should I sacrifice when there's no one there to back me up?! So I'm on to my own stuff, particularly my own artwork. I've been trying to do some art every day, whether that's hand stitching (this new series of works in progress), postcards, bubblegum art, or photography or whatever, makes no difference. My new moto is "there's always time to create". And sure, some nights, I just don't or can't, but those nights are far less than the creative ones, which is a huge step.
Also, gonna start working on the body health too. The art side fulfills some of the mental health, but my body has been taking a vacation for the past year. Sitting at the computer, not even having to walk anywhere to or from work, has taken its toll. My dance DVDs arrived yesterday, so I started in on them in the afternoon. Did about 45 min. of dance (which doesn't seem long, but I definately over did it and paid for it all night long). Just goes to show how dead my body really is. But I'm determined to improve.
This past week involved work, drying bubblegum shoe art, rain, virtual fish tank, pirates, big bling, drying herbs from the garden, more rain, migrains, and scrabble (which Marcus won). An incredible week actually. Thanks babe, for spending lots and lots of time with me. I know you'll soon be crazy busy with the company stuff. But I do appreciate it so much! And no, my heart hasn't stopped beating fast yet. Maybe I should walk down to the hospital...
I'm so glad you are doing okay! I know you have worries, we all do, but you really are fantastic! And I know about the thing that you feel everyone isn't interested in and i have felt the same way for a long time, and know that maybe i let you down a bit, and feel bad about that but cant help it either. theres just not enough time in a day sometimes. As for the long, dark winter- I recoment tanning- I know it seems a bit silly, but it really IS like being in the sun for 20 minutes, and it's time just for yourself, I get some of my best thinking done at Shalisco's. Virtual Fish Tank? Pirates? Bling???? Bling!?!?!?!? tell me about the bling! is it THE bling? I will jump to all sorts of conclusions if you don't spill! I swear I will!
Tanning... I guess that could be an option. I wish my skin would stay nice and clear all year round anyway, so tanning would solve that too. mmm...
Yep, virtual fish tank. Well it's called Fish Tycoon, but it's this great little game that I run while I'm keywording all day. A fish tank with virtual fish that swim around. You can breed a couple hundred different species and then you sell them in your little fish store. Oh, but what I really want to play is Cake Mania, but they don't make it for Mac. Poo.
Bling. Bling. The last two weeks have been about various bling. But I'll let your bro tell you about it, if he ever has a chance to call.
i miss you
miss you too, teens. I can't believe how much life has changed in the past year for each of us.
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