Friday, January 28, 2011

Bubblegum meets buffy meets sass

So, after a number of years, I finally remembered this here 'ol blog of mine. It still exists?! Does nothing on the internet fade away?!

If you're interested in reading something a touch more current about me, you should try Bubblegum Sass. Yep, that's right. Bubblegum met Buffy and is now onto Sass...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

home sweet home

Marcus is back, after six days in San Francisco and two days in Calgary! He came home for a brief 16 hours in between the two trips. Suffice to say that he is exhausted from the run-around and emotional turmoil that funerals bring. Chloe was happy to see him, again, but I don't think she trusts him to stick around now. Well, not until he gets back from work tonight and things slide into their normal routine. I am dreading all the things that I must do over the next two weeks. And then I will be in Calgary. I guess I better appreciate the comfy, stable domestic life while it remains, even if it is filled with horrific nightmares (of the dreaming nature, not the real life variety) I can only share with Marcus.

Friday, March 02, 2007

happy world day of prayer!

I, like many people, had not heard of the World Day of Prayer before. Not sure how I've missed it since even my mother had heard of it before. This year's theme is "United Under God’s Tent". Anyway, just wanted to say "happy world day of prayer" and have a super weekend! Marcus flies out on Sunday and I am looking forward to working on a bunch of stuff that's hanging over me.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

and the world keeps spinning

Haven't gotten a chance to blog properly in a bit. Seems like there's either nothing to write about or I'm too busy to take the time to write. I've just been: working, doing stuff for at-arts, sewing a bit, making altered book postcards, cleaning house (always fun...), wedding planning, stressing about finances, finding too many calls for art submissions than life will allow me to create for, enjoying the blooming crocuses, bowling with people from church (I bowled 126 and won our game!), and planning my trip back to Calgary in April. March (which I have dubbed "eeeek!!" month) and April are already looking packed full. I'm looking forward to May and June which, I hope, will slow down a bit.

I sewed some cool cushions for our living room, which I need to take pictures of and show off to all of you. Soon, I hope. The At-Arts AGM notices and membership renewal forms are all printed and envelopes are all addressed and stamped, just got to get to the post box. I found a marriage commissioner and will meet with him while I'm back in Calgary. Marcus flies down to San Francisco on Sunday for a video game conference, so I have all next week to myself to get things done. Guess there's no startling developments that need sharing...

Monday, February 19, 2007


I was just wondering is any of you have heard of and/or used the Etsy site? It's a site for "buying and selling all things handmade". Think eBay-chic-handmade-fashion-art-stuff. Anyway, I came across it and it seems fairly popular, although I hadn't heard of it before. And it also appears to be the perfect venue to sell my sewing designs and small art. I'm not sure yet how the service charges compare to an eBay store (will look into it later), but Etsy seems like the kind of place that would be easier to sell your stuff at 'cause the people that visit the site would be willing to pay decent for your work. What do you guys think? I mean, I really am getting to the point where I need an outlet for my creative side (on outlet that would hopefully provide a little extra cash at least). Any advice or suggestions are very welcome (Tina, how's the eBay store thing going?).

Friday, February 16, 2007

Saturday, February 03, 2007

human emotions

So, there was this great link on our work blog, that I just have to share. It's basically an engine that searches the internet for "human feelings" from random blogs. The interface for selecting a particular thought/emotion from the massive crowd is really neat. It seems like it would be one of those wacky foundations for a great art project. I feel fine. You feel fine. We Feel Fine. Enjoy...